Square Grouper: The Godfathers of Ganja (Theatrical Trailer)
hd trailers,Documentary,Movies,Billy Corben,Square Grouper: The Godfathers of Ganja
Named after the bales of marijuana that were often caught in the warm Florida coastal waters by unsuspecting fishermen, this is a portrait of South Florida's pot smuggling culture in the 1970s. It focuses on three stories from the era: the infamous Black Tuna Gang, a group of savvy smugglers led by Robert Platshorn, the longest serving marijuana prisoner in US History; the Ethiopian Zion Coptic Church, whose members (including children) all smoked marijuana from morning to night and ran a massive pot dealing operation out of Miami Beach's exclusive Star Island; and Everglades City, a tiny fishing village 80 miles west of Miami with an brazenly outlaw history of smuggling, from endangered animals, to rum to weed.